5 Car Draw This Weekend
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Rotary Ribfest is this Civic Holiday weekend at Montebello Park in St. Catharines. Stop by for some beer and ribs.
And while you’re there, be sure to buy your 5 Car Draw ticket to help raise funds for Hospice Niagara.
The draw is on Monday, August 5 at 6pm. Five new cars will be given away. Don’t miss your chance to win!
TV Commercial for the 5 Car Draw
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We wrote a script for a TV Cogeco 30 second spot to promote the 5 Car Draw.
Walter Sendzik, our honourary chair patiently went through repeated read-throughs to get it just right. And Will Kelly, the supremely talented producer from TV Cogeco did the camera and the editing.
Geddie Advertising has produced all the creative for the 5 Car Draw from billboard artwork, through newspaper and point-of-purchase materials to the TV spot. Need a complete campaign for your company? Give us a call.
Social Media for Your Company?
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Not every business benefits from involvement and presence in “social media”, according to this column in the Globe and Mail.
Don’t be intimidated into thinking that your small company must be on FaceBook to be relevant. It takes a bunch of time and it might not be reaching your primary audience. The column makes some interesting points for consideration.
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